The program was designed to facilitate the economic community from the R3 (ridge, rivers & reef). It was identified that coming from the ridge are the indigenous people who possesses the non-timber forest products , in the rivers are internally displaced person which are victims of floods and other catastrophic events and from the reef are the women’s group and youths near the coastal area.

The centers role is to be a hub that will pull the resources coming from the academe, government and non-government organizations to conduct seminars and trainings that will build the capacity of the clientele in becoming equipped with the entrepreneurial skills which will help them achieve the quintuple bottom line namely: Social Equity; Environmental Sustainability; Economic Prosperity; Cultural Vitality and Community Well-Being.

The program positively looks forward on facilitating the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), tribal communities and organized women’s’ group to become self-reliant individuals and better citizen of the country that has the heart on radiating best result of the program towards other needing communities.

Program components:

  • SEC Assistance to Convergence Project (SACoP) - a six-month business plan making for the chosen community where student entrepreneur volunteers, university and industry experts and alumni are the mentors and trainers for the conceptualization and study of the chosen enterprise of the community member participant. It serves as the facilitating and training facility for the study and making of the business plan.
    • Livelihood Capability Action Program (LCAP) - is a 10 months series of lectures and workshops with its benefactor community Xavier Ecoville, Lumbia. To be able to provide to the community members the following: (1) Social Equity (2) Environmental Sustainability (3) Economic Prosperity (4) Cultural Vitality (5) Community Well- Being. The selected participants will be able to empower individuals by trusting their capabilities to deliver results to create livelihood activities that preserve the integrity of the environment, to increase household income thereby improving their quality of life, to uphold income thereby improving their quality of life, to uphold the dignity of work that fosters solid values and ethics and to develop a spirit of oneness and promote a caring attitude among themselves.
  • Talipapa – an acitivty to showcase the products and services of the community where they themselves developed ranging from food and beverages, clothing apparel, accessories, and more. The tool of the program is to give venue to the products of the economic communities to showcase through an exposition of their products or produce like the abaca fiber made products from the non-timber forest product economic community or their fresh products as well as the processed foods and products. The activity will create awareness to the community of the diverse products available in various economic communities; it is a way of marketing not just the product but also the community.
  • Service Learning – This includes activities that offer transformative experiences of university and industry experts, student entrepreneurs and community members. The Service Learning widens the classroom academic experiences.  The partner communities become an extension of the classrooms where class activities become relevant by becoming services to the communities while reflection and evaluation of the entire experience generates a new set of learning.
  • SEPerhero – is an entrepreneurship training for the development of social entrepreneurs.  It aims to inform further the participants about social entrepreneurship.  The participants are composed mainly of SEC Program participants / student entrepreneurs who will be managing social enterprises from the formulation of their business plan to the launching and maturing the social enterprise.  Through SEPerHero, the social entrepreneurs deepen their understanding of social entrepreneurship through experiential learning, coaching and mentoring. Social Entrepreneurs will be exposed to business opportunities through demonstrations, fora and exhibitions.  The SEPerHero Award will cap the series of activities with stories of actual student social entrepreneurs as well as the acknowledgement of the social enterprise whose mission is to create a more just, humane and sustainable world.