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Morning on one side, night peering over another. One direction follows the second, in a chase of movement arriving somewhere and leaving for the next. Before it begins, it needs to end: a moment of time in motion.
Two opposites in one piece, falling into one another, like it were a mixture of drumming raindrops with the voice of heavy traffic.
Calm yet loud. Rushed yet steady. Up but also down. This way and that way. A hop to the left and a slide to the right. Sometimes, it’s two steps forward; and other times, it’s one step back.
The yellow brick road of a lifetime winds on. Walking, prancing, running. Twisting and turning.
The world circles at its own volition, unceasing, around the sun.
There is no reason to stop. You are your own person. I am myself.


The Crusader Yearbook, in partnership with Ophelia’s, Apostrophe Cafe, Gabrielle’s Laces and Chunks, Milestone Coffee + Kitchen, and The Paper Craft CDO, brings you IN MOTION 2021.
Catch the official launch of our subscription period LIVE on Facebook, on 3 February 2021, 3:00 PM.  
Photo by Shania Yulo
Layout by Lio Dolendo
Words by Stephanie Lopuz & Alessandro Nioda