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The XU Center for Legal Assistance (XUCLA) established “Tabang Legal”, an online legal platform on the evolving bundle of laws resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic. The center recognizes its role to aid individuals in the new reality they currently face which involves restricted liberties, closed businesses, and suspended transactions. The initiative seeks to assist individuals in steering through the established and emerging laws and provide information on basic rights and remedies.

To date, fifteen legal queries had been responded to with full length legal opinions. Legal issues raised were related to arrest, freedom of expression, and cyber libel in the context of COVID-19. There are twenty-two interns, supervising lawyers, and law professors who oversee the response system.  Individuals can access the service through the Center's Facebook page or through the intake format.The Facebook page also provides regular infographics on pertinent legal topics such as rights of healthcare workers, lease period adjustments, quarantine ordinances, and other regulations.

XUCLA wishes to emphasize that although the platform is available nationwide, it does not create a lawyer-client relationship. It plans to extend the online services even after the pandemic, making it the official online legal platform of Xavier Ateneo.