By: Andre Socorro Doria, Nichole Talatala, Nathalie Kate Paler 

Service has been ingrained in Atenean education and culture since time immemorial—a way of life exemplified through Magis. For the last fifteen years, the XU Magis Awards has recognized and celebrated projects and individuals that emanated the Ignatian ideals and values. Since then, the awards have been symbolic of the Atenean story of inspiring others. However, the fifteen-year journey has not been without its share of challenges. In times of need, Magis Awards also celebrates stories of hope and strength.

The COVID-19 global health crisis, though filled with uncertainty, has been an indubitably dark time for the entire XU community. Schools and universities were forced to close their doors. Face-to-face activities inevitably transferred online. The world seemed to have come to a halt. Still, exemplars of Magis continued to ignite a bright flame amidst the darkness. Which, in turn, has rekindled in the hearts of many and served as beacons of hope.

Magis Awards 15: Beacons of Hope is a new celebration, remaining true to Xavier Ateneo’s unwavering commitment to serve. In its fifteenth year, Magis Awards will be awarding 15 out of 23 finalist projects which were implemented during the AY 2020-2021. The selected projects shall be recognized as the epitome of love for the community and emblems of the undying light of hope, signifying the new dawn in Atenean leadership, excellence, and service.  

The top 15 will be announced through a live virtual event on 30 October 2021, 7:00 PM via the university’s official Facebook page @XavierAteneoOfficial.  

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Magis Awards 2021 Awards Night