Council of Nursing Students (CONUS)

Among the many facets that build up the foundation of Atenean education are faith and formation. Strengthening one’s faith in times of uncertainty was what drove the Council of Nursing Students to launch DILAAB. In line with the celebration of National Bible Month last January 2021, the online Bible Study Fellowship aimed to provide comfort and healing to the XU Nursing students who struggled with anxiety. With the theme, “Battling Anxiety with God”, the project illuminated a path towards a new level of spiritual healing.

The faith-centered initiative focused its efforts on breathing life to a different form of holistic formation. It aimed to engage student-nurses in activities that strengthened their faith, which in turn, strengthened their mental health and well-being through finding God’s message in the scriptures. The project also shed light on the significance of the holy scriptures and the importance of manifesting them in one’s day-to-day—resemblant to the ways of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who found strength and healing by living a life of service.

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