Computer Studies Student Council (CSSC)

Safety and security in the virtual space emerged as two important aspects of being a digital citizen especially when many people flocked online during the pandemic. As needed social interactions happen to intensify online, the loopholes of weak account security measures that are prone to breaches tend to be overlooked since many people unconsciously divulge personal information without safeguards. In response, the Computer Studies Student Council initiated the TechTalk Webinar Series to raise awareness about the importance and responsible practice of cybersecurity and digital literacy for their fellow students. In line with the student council’s mission to develop awareness and involvement for the general interests of its constituents, the objectives of the project included the improvement of competencies and understanding of digital-related knowledge, skills, and etiquette especially in safekeeping sensitive information.

Two episodes were held online with known speakers in the area of Cybersecurity and Digital literacy respectively and beyond the ways of securing one’s accounts online, legal matters on violations were also discussed in the forum segment. Hence, the project was able to provide a dual approach of providing theoretical insights to develop the participants’ competencies and also demonstrate practical lessons to reduce risks against illegal and illicit cybercrimes. Overall, the project reached and informed more than 80 users online and it garnered high ratings from their participants. More online users, therefore, became more cognizant and protective of their data as well as more careful in breaching those of others. From one netizen to another, the global village becomes safer with the TechTalk Webinar Series of the Computer Studies Student Council.