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By Nichole Talatala

The last two years have undoubtedly been a harrowing experience for all of us – never before have we seen a collective loss of this magnitude.

As we begin to see hope rising on the horizon, as life slowly transitions to resemble the life we once knew, we must emerge into the better normal prepared to face a new world.

This year, Xavier University Festival Days dares you to “Gear Up”, to equip yourself with hope, resolve, and determination as we pivot towards a new age. The world needs brave leaders to pave the way towards a better future – and we are counting on you.

Join this year’s Festival Days as we celebrate our successes and pay tribute to the strength gained from adversity on December 1 – 4, 2021. Join us and meditate on our Atenean core values as we pivot towards the age of renewal. Gear up and prepare to emerge into the new normal, unafraid and ready to meet the future with hope and excitement.

The future is waiting for you. It’s time to gear up!