Dr. Elio Garcia, director of XU Press and assistant professor of literature and film at the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL) of Xavier University has accepted a short visiting scholarship at the Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Dr. Garcia will be teaching a creative nonfiction class during the summer at the Johns Hopkins University-Center for Talented Youth, Los Angeles site. He had previously taught with JHU in 2019 as part of his pre-degree academic training while on Fulbright scholarship for his PhD at the University of Oregon, where he studied film and media and taught writing and film theory. At DELL, Dr. Garcia currently teaches film and literary theory to undergraduate students and literature and writing to graduate students. He also serves as the associate editor of the Kinaadman Journal.

Dr. Garcia teaching the forms of nonfiction at the recently concluded TAGBO 3, a literature conference funded by CHED and organized by DELL, XU Press, and XCCA last March 23-24, 2023

Dr. Garcia will run a syllabus anchored on the concept of habitus and formulated based on his scholarship on postcoloniality and decoloniality. He hopes that students will be able to work through their relationship with power and difference as writers who are intellectually and materially privileged and situated at the center. Students will read works from writers of color who are outside the US to study the writers’ techniques and poetics and widen their understanding of diversity, equity, and justice while improving their craft.