12192023.Web.CAS 1Photo from: Event Secretariat Committee

In an international conference held on 21 November 2023 at the AVR1 of Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Minister Counsellor Dr Partogi Jan Pieter Samosir, Head of the Embassy of Indonesia - Manila Political Section, highlighted the important foreign policy priorities of Indonesia and the country’s ties with the Philippines. The conference aimed to promote better cooperation between the two countries.

The conference, attended by students, faculty members of Xavier Ateneo’s History and International Studies Department and key officials of Xavier Ateneo, was an opportunity to promote deeper understanding between Indonesia and the Philippines, and explore possibilities of establishing ties with some Catholic universities in Indonesia.

During the conference, Dr Samosir emphasized the importance of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a catalyst for integration in the region. Recognizing the need to collectively address security and political issues in the region, Dr Samosir also accentuated the necessity to forge ahead with a common path for ASEAN that transcends the divisive differences in the region.

Affirming the urgency of having a common vision for the region, Fr Amado T Tumbali, SJ, Chairperson of Xavier Ateneo’s History and International Studies Department, also highlighted the crucial role that forums and conferences play in bringing people of different cultures closer to each other. As emphasized by Fr Amado, such platforms for discussion signify the greater need for dialogues to address shared challenges in the region.

The conference served as yet another milestone for the deepening ties between the Embassy of Indonesia and Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan. It may be recalled that the class IS 61 Consular and Diplomatic Practices, under the advisory of Ms Laarni P Pacamalan, was warmly welcomed by the Embassy of Indonesia last 6 May 2023 to expose students to the nature of work that awaits them in the field of diplomacy. For more information on the said event, please visit https://beritabernas.com/dubes-ri-untuk-filipina-legitimasi-merupakan-tantangan-utama-diplomasi-saat-ini/.

Also in attendance during the conference were Fr Mars P Tan (Xavier Ateneo President), Dr Judy P Sendaydiego (Dean, College of Arts and Sciences), Dr Hercules R Cascon (Dean, College of Engineering), Mr Don A Velez (Executive Assistant to the Vice-President for Higher Education), Dr Shiella C Balbutin (Director, Office of International Cooperation and Networking, Ms Manilee Lorraine P Pagapula-an (Assistant Chair, History and International Studies Department).