PINNING CEREMONY. Fr Roberto Archie Carampatan SJ, Arts and Sciences dean Dr Juliet Dalagan, and associate dean Marichu Obedencio hand over the degree pin to the proud guardian of a fourth-year and graduating AB Economics student.

Report by Joseph Mathieu J. Dosdos
Photos by the Ateneo Camera Club

The Xavier University Economics Department held a special rite on December 12 at the University Church — adorning the honorary Xavier University Economics pins on this school year’s Bachelor of Arts in Economics graduating students.

The event was attended by university administrators, Economics faculty, and staff. The graduating students, who were dapperly dressed for the event, were also joined by their proud parents and guardians.

University chaplain Fr Roberto Archie R Carampatan SJ celebrated the Eucharist, blessed the pins, and shared some words of encouragement with the students for their future endeavors.

Dr Juliet Q Dalagan, dean of the XU College of Arts and Sciences, also graced the event. She reminded the graduating students not just their responsibilities but also their responsibilities to contribute to the development of Mindanao and the country, using their Atenean education and principles.

Carampatan, Dalagan, and associate dean Marichu Obedencio handed out the pins to the students’ parents and guardians, who then attached the pins onto their child.

XU Economics Society vice-president Mary Stephanie Aleman led her fellow graduating students in the batch prayer, while their president, James Edgard Alain Ventura, led the batch pledge.

The graduating students then sang their batch song “I Lived” by One Republic.  

The event culminated with group pictorials of the newly-pinned graduating students with the university administrators, Economics faculty and staff, and the students’ parents and guardians.∎

AB ECONOMICS. The AB in Economics graduating students pose together with Fr Roberto Archie R Campatan SJ, Arts and Sciences administrators, and Economics faculty and staff.