XU Psychology Department is faithful to the vision mission of the university. Students are trained to be responsive of the issues confronted by the different communities of Mindanao specifically issues related to peace, mental health, and well-being.

The department's integrative framework aimed at strengthening psychosocial competencies that helps preserve and maintain wellness among individuals in the community. Specifically, programs and curriculum content are designed in ways that promote and enhance the cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual competencies of individuals.

Side by side with the promotion of competencies, the department sees the need to give equal value and importance on scientific researches and explorations. Scientific outputs are building blocks of knowledge in serving the community.


XU Psychology program intends to produce compassionate, conscientious and competent psychologists and psychometricians who can help individuals and groups in different settings or fields. Specifically, the program intends to equip students the skills that are necessary for them to be able to practice psychological assessment and diagnosis, individual and group counseling and psychological research, particularly in the community.

Student-Teacher Relationship

The faculty members value student-teacher relationship and try to ensure that students attain holistic growth and development so that they may become proud of who they are and who they will become while at the same time maintaining good and humble hearts.  

Community Engagement

MA Psychology students are encouraged to serve people from all walks of life particularly the marginalized members of the community. They are able to do this through joining activities such as disaster response, psycho-education in change management and psychosocial processing that are facilitated or organized by the department.

Research and Publication

Students are required to engage in research studies/thesis that can be granted funding by the Kinaadman Research Center, the university’s “main arm for research development and management”. To date, the department has had 15 research studies (both Graduate and Undergraduate) that were funded by KRC, 4 of which have been published by the same body and 1 of which has been published internationally.