1) Organizational Development Program - This program works on building the capacities of community leaders and the organizations where they belong towards self-governance. The Xavier Ecoville Homeowner’s Association is the highest governing body and under it are the different sectoral groups of the community.

Sectoral groups in Xavier Ecoville:

  1. Youth Club
  2. Senior Citizen
  3. Dayong
  4. Xavier Ecoville Tricycle Operators and Drivers  Association (XETODA)
  5. Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
  6. Community Health Navigators (CHN)
  7. Kasilingan Formation Core (KFC)

2) Livelihood Development Program Development - This program implements income- and employment-generating programs for the families to sustain their basic needs and for the cooperative to thrive.
Xavier Ecoville currently has six enterprises:

  1. Credit & Loan
  2. Wholesale
  3. Food
  4. Manpower
  5. Sewing
  6. Agri-Enterprise

3) Knowledge Product Development Program - This program focuses on producing and developing different knowledge products for the project such as training modules and manual of procedures. The Knowledge Products are intended for groups and organizations who will be interested in replicating the framework of the Xavier Ecoville Project to other resettlement communities.