Academic Excellence
To develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for a solid and interdisciplinary foundation in the arts, sciences, and humanities; and apply these to solve problems, consider and make new discoveries, verify and expand existing knowledge, and be effective and responsible professionals.
Holistic Formation
To educate the heads, hearts, and hands of men and women who will serve the faith, promote justice, dialogue with cultures and religions, and care for creation, our common home; while upholding the Ignatian values of magis, cura personalis, and finding-God-in-all-things.
Social Engagement
To form men and women for others, who possess a deep sense of leadership and service characterized by discerning and concrete engagement in social issues and by direct service to communities, especially for the poor and those in the peripheries; working towards peace and justice for the inclusive and sustainable development of Mindanao, the Philippines and the global community.
Global Competitiveness
To educate lifelong learners who will continue to equip themselves with competencies that will enable them to work and compete in other knowledge-based economies and societies; allow them to thrive in different countries with people of diverse cultures; empower them to successfully transition into global citizens and avail of opportunities to actively shape a just and peaceful world.