06292023.XU Vision Banner


To be a leading ASEAN university
forming leaders of character by 2033.


Mission Statement

Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan)
is a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit educational community
dedicated to the integral development of the person
for the needs of Mindanao, the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.

As a University, Xavier engages
in the authentic search for the truth
through teaching, formation, research and social outreach;
it is dedicated to the renewal, discovery, safeguarding
and communication of knowledge and human values;
and it trains men and women to think rigorously,
so as to act rightly and serve humanity justly.

As a Filipino University, Xavier is devoted
to the appreciation, preservation and enrichment
of the Filipino culture and heritage;
to the sustainable development of the nation;
and to the pursuit of the common good.

As a Catholic University, Xavier is committed
to the proclamation of the joy of the Gospel;
its commitment is rooted in a deep personal friendship
with Jesus Christ manifested by loyalty to the Church
characterized by a preferential option for the poor;
it shares in the privileged task of fostering
the interdisciplinary and integrated encounter
between faith, reason, and the sciences.

As a Jesuit University, Xavier participates
in the Jesuit mission of reconciliation with God,
with others and with creation; it seeks to serve the faith,
promote justice, dialogue with culture and religions,
and protect the environment; it upholds the Ignatian values
of magis, cura personalis and finding-God-in-all-things.

In sum, Xavier University forms men and women
of competence, conscience and commitment
in service of the Church, the global community
and the Filipino people.