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Onsite Thesis/Dissertation/Special Project Final Defense starting AY 2023-2024


First Semester:                Application Period                         : August – September
                                        Final Defense Period                     : within the month of October

Second Semester:           Application Period                         : January – February
                                        Final Defense Period                     : within the month of March

Intersession:                    Application Period                         : June
                                        Final Defense Period                     : within the month of July


  1. CPR final defense during the intersession is only for those applicants whose program of study indicates it.
  2. Late application will not be entertained.




All Sociology students are required to undergo an in-house final defense within the 1st-2nd month of every regular semester. If the result of the research is sufficient and approved by the Oral Defense Panel, a formal final defense will be arranged within the 3rd month of every regular semester.

The In-House final defense is facilitated by the program coordinator. The facilitation includes setting the schedule, sending the invitation, and securing the venue. For easy facilitation, the student must submit the full paper, list of Oral Defense Panel, and a probable schedule.

The minutes of the in-house final defense will be used as one of the requirements for the formal final defense application. Please see below for the complete steps.


Steps for ALL CAS-GS Programs:

1. Request for an academic evaluation (template available – CAS GS-08) from your GPC. The evaluation must be signed by your GPC.

2. Download CAS GS-09 Approval for CPR Final Defense and get all the required signatures.

3. Download CAS GS-15 Clearance for CPR final defense form. Fill-in the necessary details and get the required signatures up to the Registrar only.

4. Pay the CPR final defense fee. For payment details, please refer below:

  • BPI account no: 9330-0016-55 (non-tuition)
  • Reference Code/Charge Account No.: 5101-9025 DEP-CAS GRAD STUDIES COMPRE & THESIS
  • For online payment, write the reference code/charge account number in the purpose of transaction.
  • banking hours, Mondays to Saturdays
  • over the counter at any branch
  • ATM, Internet, Telephone for BPI acct holders (enrollment at branch of acct is required) 24/7

5. Email the details below to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and finance office thru https://forms.gle/yehiUBvfXWi1tKxF7

  • Name of Payor: Full Name of the Student
  • Purpose of payment: CPR Final Defense Fee
  • Amount: Please refer to CPR Proposal and Final Defense Fees
  • Reference Code/Charge Account No.: 5101-9025 DEP-CAS GRAD STUDIES COMPRE & THESIS
  • Soft copy of validated deposit slip or confirmation of bank transfer

6. Upload the following documents to https://forms.gle/v3bZHBfx1kK1JPd36

  • Academic Evaluation for CPR Final Defense
  • CPR Final Paper following the prescribed format
  • Approval for CPR Final Defense
  • Minutes of the Proposal Defense signed by the official recorder
  • IREB certificate
  • Proof of Payment (correct account no and reference no)

7. Submit CAS GS_15 form to CAS GS staff along with the printed final paper. The final paper will be checked by the CAS GS staff, then you are to distribute them to your Oral Defense Committee.Therefore, the number of copies should depend on the number of the Oral Defense Committee (adviser, panel chair, and panel members).

NOTE: Printed final paper should be the same as the soft copy you uploaded in the form. No changes will be allowed, unless authorized by CAS GS AD.

8. CAS GS staff will notify the applicant if there are deficiencies in the application. If in case there is, the applicant will personally settle the deficiencies to these offices directly.

9. Once the application is approved by the Dean, the Asst to the Dean for CAS GS (CAS GS AD) will facilitate the date of the final defense (two weeks from the date of Dean’s approval) and send the invitation accordingly.

10. During the final defense, the oral defense committee will use CAS GS-10 CPR Final Defense Rating The chair of the panel will collate, compute, and submits the overall final rating of the student to CAS GS staff.

11. The student will make the necessary revisions in the paper. Once approved by the CPR adviser and panelists, the student is required to email the Word document of the revised final paper to CAS GS staff (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and CAS GS AD for final format check and plagiarism check (certification will be provided by CAS GS AD once student passed the plagiarism scan).

12. Once cleared, the student will proceed to binding and completing the graduation requirements. Here’s the link https://www.xu.edu.ph/cas/gradrequire.