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Download the PDF version of the Graduation Requirements list above and submit along with the complete requirements arranged in order:

  1. Two (2) hardbound approved copies of CPR (CHED* & XU Library)
    *with Certificate of Graduation to Registrar for CHED submission
    (to be provided by CAS GS AD after submission of complete grad reqs)
  1. Copy of Abstract (Separate page)
  2. Three (3) CDs of CPR in .pdf file (2 CHED & 1 CAS GS)
  3. [ORIGINAL] PSA Birth Certificate
  4. [ORIGINAL] PSA Marriage Certificate (For married female students)
  5. Notarized Certificate of Plagiarism**
    **template will be provided by CAS GS AD once final paper is submitted 
  1. Editing Certificate (Any authorized copywriter)
  2. Final Academic Evaluation (Based on Curriculum – c/o Prog Coor)
  3. Publication in a refereed book/journal
    *For entrants before year 2020: Proof of application for publication
    *For entrants starting AY 2020-2021: Proof of publication
  1. Certificates:
    1. Paper presentation in atleast a regional forum
    2. Two (2) certificates of recollection/retreat
      (From Campus Ministries Office)
  2. Accomplishes:
    1. Mentor Evaluation Form (see downloadables)
    2. XU Alumni Information Sheet
      (Secure from Alumni Office or XU Helpdesk c/o Maam Oya)
  1. Graduation Application (Online thru SLMIS)