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Sociology 01.1     Principles of Sociology with Population, Family Planning, and HIV-AIDS Education (3 units)

Socio-Anthro 1    Sociological and Anthropological Foundations of Society with Population, Family Planning, and HIV-AIDS Education (3 units)

This introductory course in Sociology and Anthropology expounds basic sociological (and anthropological) concepts of group, culture, socialization, stratification, population, and family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention education. Social realities and issues are analyzed using sociological (and anthropological) theories like functionalism, conflict and interactionism. The Philippine socio-cultural setting is focused on, and compared to other representative societies in the globe.

Sociology 2.1       Special Fields of Sociology/The Philippine Social System (3 units)

This modular course of advanced studies in Sociology focuses on Social Institutions from which society derive beliefs and values as well as function and position. It also emphasizes possibilities of research.

Sociology 30.1     Gender and Development Women’s Concerns (3 units)

The course focuses on everyday relations, and changing economic, social and political conditions of men and women that bring to the fore gender disparities and inequalities. It stresses current issues emanating from unequal gender relations and other women concerns in the context of development.

Sociology 97.1     Community Development/Organizing (3 units)

This course introduces general concepts and development of community organizing.  It focuses on the following: CO framework and process, principles, functions and applications. It also gives the knowledge and skills in community organizing as an approach to community development.  

Sociology 6.1       Quantitative Methods in Social Research/Research Methods 1 (3 units)

The course familiarizes students with social research as a scientific process.  Thus, they should be able to conduct research particularly using quantitative methods. The course also covers research designs, measurement problems, sampling and sample selection procedures, and various techniques in data collection. Moreover, the course links theory and practical applications in the real world.

Sociology 36.1     Guided Research/Research Methods II  (3 units)

This course continues Socio 6.1. It familiarizes students with social research as a scientific process. With knowledge and skill, they should conduct a scientific investigation. The course also includes data collection methods and techniques, questionnaire construction, scaling procedure, data processing and analysis.

Sociology 8          Elementary Statistics (3 units)

This course provides an understanding of elementary statistical concepts and principles.  It covers the following:  frequency distribution, descriptive measures for ungrouped and grouped data, data interpretation, probability, counting techniques, random variables, binomial and normal probability distributions, sampling and sampling distribution, estimation and hypothesis testing.

Sociology 37.1    Social Statistics II/Intermediate Statistics (3 units)

The course emphasizes statistical inferences with sampling distribution as the entry point. It enlightens on statistical usage and application. It also focuses on estimation and estimation procedure, hypothesis testing, linear regression and correlation, analysis of variance, and familiarization of different multivariate statistical tools. Moreover, it stresses the analysis and interpretation of statistics generated for bivariate and multivariate data analyses.

Sociology 15.1    Sociology of Development (3 units)

The course examines development from a sociological perspective. It enables students to understand human behavior and social relations within the context of development. It also covers theoretical perspectives on development, its historical context, the search for alternative development paths, and options other than development

Sociology 60.1    Sociological Theories II (3 units)

This course provides selective reading and discussion of classical and contemporary sociological theorists: Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Talcott parsons, Robert K. Merton, Ralf Dahrendorf, Charles H. Cooley, George H. Mead, Irving Goffman, George Homans, Peter Blau, Thorsten Veblen, and Alfred Shutz. The students are asked to explore primary and secondary source materials.

Sociology 29       Qualitative Methods in Social Research/Anthropological Research (3 units)

The course deals with different methods in collecting qualitative data, involving people’s thoughts, lives and relationships. It focuses on gathering qualitative information, which provides rich descriptions and well-rounded rationale for explaining underlying behavioral and environmental processes at work in local settings. This information also allows researchers to trace historical events, their causes and consequences, and provides insightful explanations for these.

Sociology 4          Contemporary Social Problems and Issues (3 units)

This course identifies problems in modern society, and explores their complexities, the ways these problems affect our lives, and the sociological theories of Structural-Functionalism, Conflict, and Symbolic Interactionism to problems as a framework for understanding possible causes, purposes, and solutions. It also helps students learn to think critically and creatively about social problems, and be motivated to take individual action to improve the world.

Sociology 7.1       Urban Sociology/ Sociology of the City (3 units)

This course covers urbanism as a world phenomenon, emphasizing the significance of historical and ecological factors, the varieties of social organizations of activities, the problems and socially structured strains which are aspects of urban living, social and cultural change, planning and reform.

Sociology 9.1       Rural Sociology/Peasant Society (3 units)

This course deals with descriptions of rural areas, the study of social phenomena and their casual relations in the context of Philippine rural community.

Sociology 10.1     Sociology of the Family/Marriage and the Family (3 units)

This course intensively studies specific aspects of marriage and family. It highlights important contemporary changes in society and the family.  It also explores the choices available to family members, and the constraints limiting those choices.

Sociology 11.1     Industrial Sociology/Sociology of Work & Occupation (3 units)

The course examines work, its meaning and social importance in contemporary society. It covers theoretical frameworks on work as a social system, and work specialties, i.e., occupation and professions. It includes constituent structural components of work as well as the inherent systematic linkages. It also emphasizes the integration of sociological theories of work, and the procedures used in sociological analysis of work.

Sociology 12.1     Social Stratification/ Social Structure (3 units)

The course covers classical and modern explanations of social stratification, based on four basic principles, expounded by theorists of different theoretical paradigms.  It defines the basic concepts, trends and dimensions of stratification. It tackles the following key issues: the consequences of inequality for individuals and groups; the relative importance of economic, political and social forces in creating and sustaining inequality; social class and social mobility; the significance of education, occupation and gender; and the use of social networks and status attainment.  

Sociology 14.1     Introduction to Demographic Methods I
                             Principles of Population Analysis (3 units)

This course introduces basic concepts of demographic analysis. It covers sources of data (available for demographic research), population composition and change measures. It defines measures of mortality, fertility, and migration levels and patterns. It also reviews and critically analyzes population theories.

Sociology 16        History of Social Thought/ Sociological Theories I

The course traces, analyzes, and assesses the history of sociological theories, how ideas and thoughts of thinkers are connected, and how ideas are built upon one another to become one coherent thought in sociology. Specifically, it explores a major theorist, traces, examines, and analyzes the origin of intellectual works.

Sociology 20.1     Research Seminar/Field Practicum in Sociology (3 units)

Under close supervision of a mentor, the course provides practical experience in programs, and projects of institutions and organizations related to sociology.

Sociology 34        Sampling Statistics (3 units)

This course introduces sampling theory and methods, its application and practice. It includes fundamental notions of sampling, criteria for change of good sampling design; advantages, disadvantages, uses, steps in simple random, stratified random, systematic, cluster and PPS sampling.

Sociology 38        Advance Statistics (3 units)

The course covers advanced analysis of variance multiple linear regression factorial and other experimental designs, analysis of covariance, and (probably) special topics of factor analysis or path analysis.

Sociology 44.1     Community & Ecology/ Environmental Sociology (3 units)

The course tackles the development-environment impasse. Environmental sociology is a new sociological inquiry emphasizing the important relationship between society and environment.    

Sociology 48.1     Internal Migration (3 units)

The course familiarizes students with migration as a demographic process. It covers basic concepts and issues. It includes the following: model of migration analysis, migration measurements, migration patterns and trends, determinants and consequences of migration, and migration policies and issues.

Sociology 55        Sociology of Education (3 units)

This course relates concepts and theories of social science, the traditional culture and values of Filipino ethno-linguistic groups to the aims and objectives of the Philippine school system, noting the importance of the school in the Philippines.

Sociology 59        Sociology of Mass Communication (3 units)

The course focuses on specific technologies and media and their broader sociological processes in communicating ideas about class, gender and race.

Sociology 70        Political Sociology (3 units)

This course introduces comparative politics. It focuses on the attempts of countries, the Philippines included, to build modern nation-states and to establish modern political institutions.

Sociology 72        Medical Sociology (3 units)

This course explains why and how social structure influences the distribution of health and illness, and illustrates how the medical care system is organized and responds. It investigates social aspects of health and diseases, social behaviors of health care workers, people using their services, social functions of health organizations and institutions, social patterns of health services, relationships of health care delivery systems to other social systems, and health policies.

Sociology 80        Ethnic Relations (3 units)

This course provides understanding of various social relations between different races or ethnic groups. It examines international and national patterns of racial and ethnic relations, both in the past and the present.

Sociology 81.1     Deviance and Criminology/Crime and Delinquency (3 units)

The course examines the relationship between conformity and deviance. It discusses the mechanisms of social control, and the various theoretical explanations for deviance.

Sociology 86        Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning (3 units)

This course critically reviews various schemes of urban planning and provides insights into the development of urban sites. It investigates actual crafting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of development plans.

Sociology 99        Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (3 units)

The course provides a general view of core concepts and issues as well as environmental and social consequences of change.  It focuses on culturally sensitive and socially sustainable interventions affecting communities in general, and vulnerable groups in particular.

Sociology 92.1    Data Management and Processing in Social Research (3 units)

The course deals with how data, once collected, are prepared for analysis.

So-An 5               General Anthropology (3 units)

The course introduces the broad discipline of anthropology, the study of man, woman, people and their culture. It familiarizes students with its different sub-disciplines: Physical/Biological, Archaeology, Linguistic, Socio-cultural, and Applied. It also introduces diverse cultures, each having a unique cultural system.

So-An 10             Medical Anthropology (3 units)

The course introduces medical anthropology, the study of human confrontation with disease and illness, and adaptive arrangement (medicines and medical systems) by human groups for dealing with these dangers.

So-An 11             Ecological Anthropology (3 units)

The course introduces culture and how human beings transform their environment (physical), and use it for survival. It delves into the human approach to human ecology, i.e., the rational or purposive manipulation of the social and natural environment.  

So-An 12            Introduction to Archaeology (3 units)

This course teaches the scientific methods in Field Archaeology from the discovery of archaeological sites, excavation of sites, analysis of excavated materials, to the cultural reconstruction of sites based on data collected.

So-An 13            Physical Anthropology (3 units)

The course introduces the major subfield of Anthropology, which studies humans as evolving organisms with a capacity for culture, and the how and why of physically distinct human populations.    

So-An 19            Cultural Anthropology (3 units)

The course on a major sub-field of anthropology emphasizes culture, the core concept of the discipline. It examines cultural institutions of human society and social life of man, i.e., the relationships of individuals to the other groups, using anthropological perspectives and approaches. It also orients students to diverse cultures, showing their similarities, differences or uniqueness.

So-An 24/124    Development Anthropology/Economic Anthropology (3 units)

The course has two concerns: a) contextualizing culture contact and the consequent processes of social and cultural change, and b) understanding the process of translating scientific knowledge in a value-neutral framework into specific action implications.

So-An 28            Socio-cultural Change (3 units)

The course introduces culture, how it changes through time due to internal factors (innovation, discovery, invention), external factors (diffusion, interventions), and their impact on the environment, social structure and system, and the culture of a particular society.  It emphasizes the processes of change and their consequences to society.   It familiarizes the student with different models and perspectives of development.

So-An 30            Anthropology of Religion (3 units)

The course introduces religion from the anthropological perspective. It traces the history of the study of religion, presents the salient features of and key concepts about religion, and outlines and reviews some anthropological theories concerning the origin and functions of religion.

So-An 51.1        Peoples and Cultures of the Philippines (3 units)

The course deals with various ethnic groups inhabiting the different regions of the country, emphasizing culture, which is central in anthropology. It also includes geography, prehistory, demography, socio-economic development as well as current issues and concerns affecting Filipinos.

So-An 74           Anthropology of Women (3 units)

The course introduces the relationship among sex, gender and culture in order to understand gender problems such as differences between men and women in their biological and physiological aspects, cognition and personality and social development. It also delves into theories of sex difference and sexuality including women roles and status from historical and cross-cultural perspectives.

So-An 76          Language and Culture (3 units)

The course introduces language from an anthropological perspective. It intends to give an overview of the main features of the area of language study, its scope and principles of inquiry, its basic concerns and key concepts, and the relationship between language and culture.

So-An 75.1       Field Practicum in Anthropology (3 units)

The course is the practical aspect of the discipline of Anthropology in which those trained in the field use their skills and knowledge to solve practical problems, in addition to research or teaching. It also provides effective action strategies useful in assisting communities.