05162024.Web.Banner Admissions Finance

Unmarried siblings and parents enrolled in the University at any level (except for those enrolled in the College of Medicine) shall be entitled to a family discount on tuition on a graduated scale depending on the number of students enrolled provided that a duly accomplished Claim for Family Discount is submitted to the XU Finance Office not later than 31 August (if with students enrolled in the basic education level) or one week before the Mid-term Examinations (if all students are in the tertiary level).

  • 2 family members    5% discount
  • 3 family members    7% discount
  • 4 family members    10% discount
  • 5 family members    14% discount
  • 6 family members    19% discount
  • 7 family members    25% discount

Please be advised that discounts do not apply to the portion of tuition covered by scholarships/grants.

Please download this form: Notarized Claim For Family Discount. Complete, sign and submit form (with supporting documents, if NOT notarized) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..phYou may also upload documents to https://tinyurl.com/familydiscountsThose already enjoying family discounts need not re-submit form unless the roster of covered students changes.