05162024.Web.Banner Admissions Finance

Reminders for XU Corrales Campus: 

  1. OTC check and credit card payments will be accepted 8-12 AM and 1-4 PM, Mondays to Fridays, except during school and national holidays.
  2. OTC disbursements will be available accordingly:

                        Cash disbursements (MTW)
                        Check disbursements (ThF)       

Cash payments may be made thru accredited payment centers (see https://www.xu.edu.ph/payment-centers-finance).

Please refer inquiries, assessment requests, and urgent concerns to the XU Finance Office Windows 8-11 during business hours.

Please note that entry to campus requires compliance to dress code and presentation of a valid ID.  Due to limited available space, only vehicles with valid XU stickers are allowed to enter and/or park inside campus.