- Grade 7 and Transferees Admission Process:https://www.xu.edu.ph/jhsadmission
- Admission and Enrollment Form for G7-G10:https://tinyurl.com/XUJHSAdmission22-23
- Classes will begin on August 8, 2022
→ Fill out our online Admission and Enrollment Form for G7-G10through this link: https://tinyurl.com/XUJHSAdmission22-23
→ Check you email (the one you indicated in the enrollment form)for a confirmation email with payment form link.
→ Pay tuition down payment through the XU Finance Center orthrough designated payment centers and upload proof of payment in the payment form link.Please wait for verification and validation of payment.
→ You will receive a confirmation email for your Microsoft Office365 Account
→ You will receive a confirmation email that your information hasbeen updated in the university’s SLMIS.
→ You will receive a digital copy of your admit-to-class.
✎ Junior High Schoolwebpage: https://www.xu.edu.ph/junior-high
✎ Estimated TuitionEstimated Tuitionand Fees: https://www.xu.edu.ph/tuition-and-fees
✎ AccreditedPayment Centers: https://www.xu.edu.ph/payment-centers-finance
✎ Family Discounts: https://www.xu.edu.ph/finance-family-discount
✎ Notarized Claimfor FamilyDiscounts: https://www.xu.edu.ph/financeoffice-downloadables
✎ Scholarships: https://www.xu.edu.ph/jhs-scholarships
For inquiries, please call +63 88 853-9800 loc 9670 or 9682