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Author Guidelines

General Requirements

  • Articles should be original and have never been published elsewhere, in part or whole.
  • Articles will be subjected to a double-blind editorial review. Contributors may be required to make revisions based on reviewers’ comments and suggestions and for reasons of style.
  • Images, graphs, and other illustrations must be clean, clear and sharp.
  • Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing illustrations, tables, figures or any lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
  • Statements in articles are the responsibility of contributors.
  • Articles submitted may be checked with duplication checker software to avoid cases of plagiarism.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject contributions which do not meet the journal’s criteria.
  • Contributions may be sent thru any of the following:
  1. Postal Mail

The Editor, Kinaadman Journal, XU Press Office,

Room 203 Lucas Hall Building,

Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000 Philippines


  1. E-copy

Email attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Contributors are required to submit a biodata of not more than 300 words, with the following information:
  1. full name, including titles/degrees
  2. educational background and current institutional affiliation
  3. research interests and publications
  4. contact number, postal and email address.
  • Document Formatting and Citation

Academic papers in the Humanities field should be in MLA style; those in the Social Sciences should be in APA format.


  • Articles should be in English language
  • Articles must be on language and literature, Mindanaoan history and other concerns affecting southern Philippines.
  • Abstract must not exceed 300 words.
  • Abstract must be followed by 3-5 keywords or phrases.
  • Footnotes must be avoided; in-text citations must be used.
  • Illustrations like tables and figures should be kept to a minimum.
  • Articles should be double-spaced, 15-20 pages in length (saved as Word Document), Minion Pro or Times New Roman, Font size 12.


Book Reviews

  • Book must have been published within the last two (2) years at the time of the review.
  • Book must be on language and literature, Mindanaoan history and other concerns affecting southern Philippines.
  • Review must not exceed seven (7) typewritten pages, double-spaced.
  • Any reference in book reviews should be fully documented.
One of the most sought-after references for studies pertaining to Mindanao,
Kinaadman Journal, instituted in 1979 by the leading scholar from Mindanao, Fr Miguel Bernad, is now accessible online.
We remind readers to cite properly the journal as original source in their
academic work and that the downloadable contents are not used for commercial purposes.