For the ff transactions, please download the form Application for Adding / Dropping Courses and fill in the necessary data. Then access the link designated to your level:
- Undergraduate: https://forms.
gle/sSTAn2nQU4pkcNit9 - Graduate Studies:
RFD6fsCuSRkQmG869 - Juris Doctor:
FVWUQQo3FgbdSP4f6 - College of Medicine:
Please download the form Application for Term Withdrawal and fill in the necessary data. Then access the link designated to your level:
- Undergraduate: https://forms.
gle/P1ewVmFixgHFCDuWA - Graduate Studies:
fjgoRQtS84BmAHrh7 - Juris Doctor:
icZPXxm8nsWfDXcD7 - College of Medicine:
A. During 1st week of classes
- Student provides the necessary data and uploads the completed form with a copy of his SY2021-2022 XU ID.
- The home department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair acts on the request. If not, the chair informs the student.
- Student checks the SLMIS.
B. During 2nd week of classes
- Student provides the necessary data and uploads the completed form with a copy of his SY 2021-2022 XU ID.
- a. The home department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair endorses the request to the registrar. If not, the chair informs the student.
- The registrar acts on the request accordingly. Registrar informs the student if there is any issue (closed class, time conflict, etc.)
- Student checks the SLMIS.
II. TERM WITHDRAWAL ( up to 3rd week of classes)
1. Student provides the necessary data and uploads the completed form with a copy of his SY 2021-2022 XU ID.
2. a. The home department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair endorses the request to the dean. If not, the chair informs the student.
b. The dean evaluates the request. If approved, the dean endorses the request to the registrar. If not the dean informs the student.
c. Registrar marks the student W in all courses.
d. Registrar informs the Finance Office.
3. Student checks the SLMIS.
For the ff transactions, please download the form Application for Term Withdrawal and fill in the necessary data.
III. LEAVE OF ABSENCE (up to 4th week of classes only)
1. Student emails the completed form to his department chair with a copy of his SY 2021-2022 XU ID and medical certificate if the reason is due to medical reasons.
2. a. The home department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair endorses the request to the dean. If not, the chair informs the student.
b. The dean evaluates the request. If approved, the dean forwards the signed form to the registrar. If not the dean informs the student.
c. Registrar marks the student LOA in all courses.
d. Registrar informs the Finance Office.
3. Student checks the SLMIS.
1. Student emails the completed form to the department chair of the course with a copy of his SY 2021-2022 XU ID.
2. The department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair signs the form and emails it back to the student. If not, the chair informs the student.
3. a. Student repeats Step 2 for each department chair of the course he wishes to cross-enroll.
b. Student forwards the signed form to the home college/school dean.
4. a. The dean evaluates the request. If approved, the dean signs the form and forwards it to the registrar. If disapproved, the dean informs the student.
b. The registrar signs the form and sends the approved request to student.
5. a. Student prints the signed request form and proceeds with the cross-enrolment.
b. Student secures approval from the dean and registrar of the receiving school.
c. Student gives a copy of the signed form to XU registrar.
1. Student gets access to the link:
2. Student provides the necessary data and uploads a copy of his SY 2021-2022 XU ID and validated
bank deposit slip.
3. Registrar applies program change to shiftee and endorses to chair and dean of student’s current
4. a. The home department chair evaluates the request. If approved, the chair endorses the request to the dean. If not, the chair informs the student.
b. The dean evaluates the request. If approved, the dean endorses the request to the registrar. If not the dean informs the student.
5. Registrar endorses request to the chair and dean of receiving college/school.
6. The receiving dean evaluates the request. If approved the dean informs the registrar about the student’s change of program and advises student of study plan. If not the dean, informs the student.
7. Registrar changes the program and term activates the student.
8. Student waits for notification that he may proceed with online enrollment.
1. Student emails the completed form to the concerned teacher.
2. Teacher evaluates the request. If approved, teacher signs the form and forwards it to the chair with the necessary documents.
3. a. The chair endorses the request to the college/school Dean of the teacher.
b. The dean forwards the form and attachments to the Standards Committee in the college/school.
4. The Standards Committee evaluates the request and forwards the recommendation to the college/school dean.
5. a. The dean evaluates and acts on the evaluation of the Standards Committee and forwards the form and attachments to VPHED.
b. The VPHED evaluates and acts on the request and forwards to registrar the request form.
6. If the request for change of mark is approved, the registrar updates the grade in the SLMIS .
7. Student checks the SLMIS.
1. a. Student downloads the form from his college/school FB account.
b. Student fills in and submits the form to home department chair for approval.
2. a. If approved, the chair endorses the request to the dean. If not, the chair informs the student.
b. If approved, the dean submits the form to the registrar. If not, the dean informs the student.
3. Registrar keeps the form in the student’s file. If disapproved, registrar informs student and dean to drop the overload course/s.