Edmond B. SalomsomAssistant Professor Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Local #: 9406 Physics Department ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION - Master of Science in Physics, MSU-IIT
- Bachelor of Science in Physics, MSU –IIT
- “Fabrication and Characterization of PANI/ZnO Diode by Chemical Bath Deposition Method”, SPVM, MSU-IIT, March 2006
- “Fabrication and Characterization of PANI/ZnO Diode by Chemical Bath Deposition Method” (Masteral Thesis), MSU-IIT, March 2006
TEACHING EXPERIENCE AND COMPETENCY - Full-time Regular Faculty, Xavier University, 1999- present
PUBLICATION - “Fabrication and Characterization of PANI/ZnO Diode by Chemical Bath Deposition Method”, SPVM, MSU-IIT, March 2006
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES - SPVM, Member, 2004-2005 & 2014-2016
- PPS, Member, 2010