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My dear medical school graduates or I should call you now, doctors! Good day to all of you!

My warmest congratulations to all of you for having completed your medical studies. Hats off to each of you! I know how difficult it is to finish a medical degree and more so during this time of the pandemic.

Today you come out triumphant and you deserve to savor the joy brought out by your big success, which you now gladly shared with your proud parents, siblings, and other loved ones. Let me congratulate also your parents and your medical professors and all those who helped you in your studies!

Now that you are ready to go outside and use your knowledge and skills to heal the sick, do not forget what the Gospel according to Matthew says, “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.” Examine it closely, and you will realize that one of our Lord’s main ministries was to heal the sick. Perhaps he spent one-fourth of his entire time on his healing ministry given that at the time sick people were numerous and could be found anywhere. But what made our Lord very famous among the people was not just his effective healing ministry but his love and compassion for the sick and the needy.

My dear new doctors, I am confident that our school of medicine and your professors have equipped you well in knowledge and skills for you to become effective doctors.

I wish that you also are formed well by Xavier Ateneo so that your medical profession will become a way for you to follow our Lord, the greatest healer, in serving the sick especially those with less access to big hospitals and centers.

But for now, I have three things to suggest you should do:

Savor the joy of your success

Be proud of your achievement

Have a grateful heart always. AMDG! God bless all of you!