Student Volunteers Formation Program

The Student Volunteer Formation Program is involved in the formation of Student Volunteers for Social Development. It facilitates a ladderized formation track for students from first to fourth year starting which integrates Servant Leadership, Preferential Option for the Poor, Faith that does Justice among others as its core values of deepening Student Volunteers commitment to pursue social development.

Social Formation Program

The Social Formation Program institutionalizes a 4-year Social Formation Track for XU Students starting from the First Year Formation Program, National Service Training Program, PERSON Program (Philosophy)  and AGAPE Program (Religious Studies). These formation initiatives are geared towards the deepening of students’ social awareness and responsibility through formation modules and community work exposures with partner communities and institutions.

Collaborative Service Learning Program

The Collaborative Service Learning Program is a curriculum-based service-learning experience for students in various academic disciplines. The term “Collaborative” refers to the convergence of various academic disciplines in providing concrete interventions to communities. As part of its dynamics, the program will take the participants to communities and institutions partnered by the university to enter in its pursuit of facilitating dialogue education – a way of education that brings theoretical premise into proactive social relevance.

Issue Advocacy Program

The Issue Advocacy Program promote collaborative participation of XU community, partner communities, NGOs, Civil Society Groups the advancement of information, education, and communication activities and materials on Environment, Governance, Health  and other social issues and concerns articulated by the underserved sectors and communities in Mindanao and in the country.

Community Development and Assistance Program: Pedro Calungsod PEACE Project.

The Pedro Calungsod PEACE Project is funded by Childfund Japan which seeks to provide Children access to their basic needs particularly, Education. It does this by organizing communities through Child Formation, Family Development and Institutional Building. The project facilitates a wholistic approach in protecting children’s rights by capacitating communities, deepening social values and advocating equality and development.