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Annual University Retreat

The university-wide retreat is a major activity during the first semester intended to facilitate a deepening on Ignatian spirituality among XU administrators, faculty, formators and staff. It is offered in a live-in or live-out mode and is conducted by a pool of facilitators that include Jesuit priests, sisters, XU campus ministers, Jesuit lay collaborators and friends who are trained in Ignatian retreat-giving. In general, the process is designed to help integrate the personal and professional dimensions of one’s experiences as collaborators in a Jesuit educational institution towards a deepening appreciation of the meaning and implications of being an Ignatian

Live-In Directed Retreat

With a required particular number of years of service in the university and attendance in specific Ignatian formation activities, a university faculty, formator and a staff could avail of a live-in retreat either for three days, five days or eight days as part of an ongoing spiritual formation. Except for the three-day schedule which is simultaneous with the university annual retreat, the five- and eight-day retreats are offered during the semestral break and in summer. Priority considerations are given to those who signify their interest ahead of time through the faculty profile sheet or the individual reply to the e-mail blast information. Specific slots are allotted for particular schedules and interested participants are accommodated for screening and preparation on a first-come-first-served sign-up basis.

Triduum Retreat

Originally intended to provide a follow-through spiritual activity for XU alumni, the Triduum retreat has evolved into becoming a significant annual spiritual formation activity of the University for the local Church of Cagayan de Oro. It has created a loyal following of no less than five hundred people on the average which includes not just XU alumni but also their families, friends, covenant communities and those who are sincerely seeking for a deeper prayerful experience in their Holy Week experience and Easter celebration. Prayer orientations and reflection points proper of the day are usually given in the morning of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Afternoons are intended for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Station of the Cross and/or preparation of the liturgical services.  Retreatants are free to continue with the reflection on their own and participate in the Liturgical services either in the University Church or in their respective parishes. A minimum registration fee is required and interested participants could register ahead of time in the Campus Ministries Office.

Advent Recollection

One of the most important seasons in the Catholic Calendar is Advent.  Advent is from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”. It is time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. Also a time to reflect on the Second Advent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on sin, and the hope of eternal life (from Christian Institute Resource). That’s why it is fitting to have a good preparation through prayer and reflection (recollection). The recollection includes an input, prayer and mass. The schedule usually starts at 5:00pm and ends at 7:00pm.

Lenten Recollection

Accordingly, Lent is the most important season in the Catholic Calendar. It is very important because of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ (Passion, Death and Resurrection) wherein the person may receive overflowing graces from the Lord. Lent is from latin Quadragesima meaning Fortieth (40 days). It is a solemn religious observance in the liturgical calendar of many Christian denominations that begins on Ash Wednesday and covers a period of approximately six weeks before Easter Day. Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance of abstinence, fasting, sins, almsgiving, moderation, and self-denial. It’s not uncommon for people to give up smoking during Lent, or to swear off watching television or eating candy or telling lies. It’s six weeks of self-discipline. The key is to focus on repenting of sin and consecrating oneself to God. (www.Catholicism.About.com). Because this is very essential, it is good to have preparation to gain the graces promised by observing it religiously. And beautiful preparation is to spend time in prayer and solitude. The recollection includes an input, prayer and mass. The schedule usually starts at 5:00pm and ends at 7:00pm.

The Retreat In Daily Life (RDL) Program

The Retreat in Daily Life Program provides spiritual guidance to men and women seeking God in their daily routine through guided prayer based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Retreatants find time for daily prayer for a period ranging from 14 to 35 weeks.  They meet with their retreat directors regularly, and are guided through the different phases of the Exercises.

note: text as adapted from: http://www.cisphil.org/services/retreats/retreat-in-daily-life)

Definition and purpose of the exercises according to St. Ignatius

“Just as strolling, walking and running are exercises for the body, these Spiritual Exercises are ways of examining our awareness or consciousness, meditating, contemplating, praying vocally and mentally, and other spiritual activities. Their aim is to ready us for freedom, to be freed from all self-centered desires and to be able to discover in our own lives God’s own desiring and willing.”

Also included in the program are the following:

  • Program launching and Prayer Workshop: done on the 1st or 2nd week of September.
  • Advent and Lenten Recollection

How long is the program?

  • RDL for Beginners (13-14 weeks) or 18th Annotation Retreat
  • Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life (30 - 34 weeks) or 19th Annotation Retreat

The program usually begins on the 1st or 2nd week of September. The RDL for beginners ends at the 2nd week of December while the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life ends in April at the following year.

Who may apply to the Retreat in Daily Life?

Applicants are those who are…

  • able to make a firm commitment to the retreat
  • able to allocate time for formal prayer of 30 minutes to 1 hour each day
  • willing to pray the suggested prayer materials of the retreat
  • willing to reflect on and journal their prayer experiences and to share the fruits of their prayer with the retreat guide
  • willing to be guided by a competent lay/religious priest or nun retreat guide

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life

Undergoing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola can be a most profound and transforming spiritual experience.  It is a time for intimate contact between God and the person making the Exercises.

For persons who cannot take time off to devote thirty days to do the retreat, St. Ignatius offered the Spiritual Exercises in daily life.  The retreatants do not leave their homes and places of work.  They keep their regular schedules but commit themselves to a daily prayer period of 30 minutes to one hour and meet weekly with their retreat guide.

The Retreat in Daily Life for Beginners (18th annotation) is an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises and is most suitable for those who are starting in their spiritual journey, or those who want to attend to their spiritual thirst or hunger.  The Retreat Daily Life for Beginners runs for 14 weeks.

The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life (19th annotation) is for those who experience a compelling desire to know, love and to pattern their life after Christ.  The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life runs for 35 weeks.

List of Spiritual Guides for (as of school year 2014-2015)

  • Fr George Esguerra SJ                            
  • Fr Richard Ella SJ                            
  • Fr Matt Sanchez SJ                            
  • Suzette Valmores                            
  • Sr Ranette Angot ODN                        
  • Sr Lucero Marquez ODN            
  • John Dwight Pimentel                
  • Mona Lisa Pangan                
  • Michael Acenas                                     
  • Gaspar Caluna    
  • Rogelio Lee Jr   

What kind of journey can I expect from the Spiritual Exercises?

  • Discovering who you really are
  • Directing yourself toward God
  • Noticing God’s action in your life
  • Responding to the movements of your heart
  • Discovering the nature of
  • your deepest desire
  • Seeking God’s will
  • Becoming free of all that distracts you from your deeper desire
  • Making choices in line with your truest self
  • Connecting your lived experience with the life, death and resurrection of Christ
  • Responding to God’s love for you
  • Finding God in all things

Source: Silf, Margaret. Inner Compass, p. 15