In celebration of the Social Development Week 2019 with the theme WATER: Ecosystems & Social Development– Issues and Initiatives, Xavier Community committed to saving and conserving water starting with concrete advocacy on banning single-use plastic water bottles.

University Memorandum #U1819-052 was issued on 13 February 2019 focused on the “concrete advocacy to ban entry, sale, and use of plastic water bottles in all campuses”

A committee was created to lead in the consultations and the formulation of proposed Policies and Guidelines on the banning of single-use plastic water bottles s within all XU premises.

On June 10, Fr. President approved the Policies and Guidelines and tasked the same committee to act as the Steering Committee in the preparations and in the early part of the implementation.

The new memo of the President included other single-use plastics to be banned in all XU campuses as recommended by the Committee based on the consultation results.



The use, sale, and entry of single-use plastic water bottles in all campuses of the University including off-campus university activities are strictly prohibited.

XU community- students, faculty, staff, and administrators including alumni, parents, Mass goers, athletes, concessionaires, service agencies, external parties, and all guests who enter and use the university premises - shall abide by the policies.

*Rare exceptions (e.g. research, special projects, etc.) may be allowed on a case-                to-case basis subject to the approval of XU Administration.

2. Preparations, Implementation, Enforcement and Alternatives

  1. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to be led by the ff: Office of Student Affairs (OSA), National Service Training Program (NSTP), Green Campus Agenda (GCA), Communications Office, University Athletics Office, PPO, PTA, Alumni Office, Basic Education Cluster. All members of the XU should help in the IEC.

  2. Implementation, Enforcement & Monitoring – to be led by: Security Safety and Information Office and Security Agency, OSA (for students), University Athletics office (for athletes and players), Parents-Teachers Association (for parents), Alumni Office for alumni, PPO (for Global Pro & contractors) and heads for respective schools/departments/offices/units.|

  3. Support system and alternatives
  • Admin cluster - audits water fountains in all campuses, oversees the monitoring of compliance (e.g. water potability test) of canteens in all campuses, including Manresa and SEARSOLIN, conducts FS for a refilling station, coordinates with all canteens to come up with alternatives such as tumblers, vending machine, dispenser, bento, etc.
  • Physical Plant Office – ensures cleanliness of water sources & potability of water.
  • Students orgs (c/0 OSA) – come up with alternatives
  • Book center (c/o OSA) – to sell customized water tumblers

 D. Sanctions for Offenses

  1. Students & student organizations
    • First Offense- Written warning; written explanation & apology
    • Second Offense - Three-hour community service & formation session
    • Final Offense- Considered a major offense and may merit suspension or exclusion (after due process)
  1. Administrators, Faculty, Formators and Staff, Coaches
  • Follow the corrective action schedule of the XU Code of Conduct
  1. Athletes and coaches, XUCMPC and its Concessionaires, Service Agencies, Alumni, Parents/Guardians and Guests
  • First Offense - Verbal Warning; reorient with the policy
  • Final Offense - Denial of entry to any University premises

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