Xavier Ateneo is committed to ensure that animal use procedures are conducted with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles.
All research, teaching or testing using animals conducted by staff or students affiliated with Xavier Ateneo, or involving university resources and/or facilities, must be reviewed and approved by the Xavier Ateneo Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (XU IACUC) before the research starts.
The functions of the XU IACUC are:
a. To craft and implement the XA Institutional Animal Care and Use Program (IACUP) and the protocols of
scientific procedures;
b. To monitor and periodically review the implementation of the IACUP and scientific procedures;
c. To submit an annual report on the status and implementation of the IACUP;
d. To revoke any approval on the basis of non-compliance to the approved protocol despite repeated appeals on
its violations; AND
e. To provide necessary technical recommendations and guidelines/references (e.g., a list of recommended
anesthetics, analgesics and tranquilizer with dose ranges for the animals concerned).
The XU IACUC will establish appropriate mechanisms in all stages of the research to:
- Ensure the safety, protect the rights, and promote the welfare and well-being of research participants.
- Provide counsel to research participants, including proponents and researcher.
- Ensure prompt reporting of changes in the protocol and unanticipated problems.
- Ensure the proper documentation of and adherence to the confidentiality rule and policy on informed consent.
- Monitor the progress of ongoing research until completion.