The Research Grants Submission Process

1. Proposals  must  be  submitted  online  via  the  electronic  submission  service  available at Mailed, emailed, or faxed proposals will not be accepted or acknowledged.

2. The proposal must follow the provided proposal template (XURG Form 1), otherwise the proposal may be rejected without technical review.

3. The proposal must be submitted together with the following: (a) endorsement form (XURG Form 2), (b) one-page curriculum vitae of the principal investigator/project leader and all research team members and, if applicable, (c) survey questionnaire/data matrix.

4. An incomplete application may be rejected. Please contact KURO through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at local extension 9167 for questions or assistance.

⦁ MR proposals are required to have a lead component (program) proposal, and a separate proposal for each component project. [Note: A program is a group of inter-related R&D projects requiring an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach to meet established goal(s) within a specific time frame. A project, on the other hand, is a basic unit in the investigation of a specific R&D problem with predetermined objectives to be accomplished within a specific time frame.]