Higher Education Admissions and Enrollment Procedure
Prepare the following Documents
A. MA/MS student:
1. authenticated Official Transcript of Records (TOR) for the Bachelor’s degree with the official grading system and its English translation, bearing the original signature of the registrar and seal of the school
2. authenticated Certificate of graduation in college or the college diploma and its English translation.
B. Ph.D. student:
1. authenticated Official Transcript of Records (TOR) for the master’s degree with the official grading system and its English translation, bearing the original signature of the registrar and seal of the school
2. authenticated certificate of graduation in graduate school or the graduate school diploma and its English translation
C. Other Essential Requirements
- Valid Passport
- Valid Visa (Student Visa 9(f), 9(g), SRRV, SIRV, Working Permits, Permanent Foreign Resident, SSP)
- Authenticated Birth Certificate or its equivalent (with English Translation)
- Promissory Note that the student applicant will comply with the required student visa (EO 285 and CHED Memo No. 073 s. 2020)
- Police Clearance Certificate issued by the National Police Authorities in the student’s country of origin duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (PFSP) having consular jurisdiction over the place (for the student who resided in the Philippines for less than 59 days); or NBI Clearance for those who resided in the Philippines for more than 59 days.
- Notarized Affidavit of Support and a Proof of Adequate Financial (Bank Certificate with available fund equivalent to US$2,500) to cover expenses incidental to studies in Xavier University
Step1 :
Submit Application Letter to OICN Director This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submissions of Application Letter should be made 3 months prior to the the start of the semester intended to enroll (Cut-Off Months, 1st Semester: March, 2nd Semester: August)
Interview with the OICN Director Personal or Online
Step 3:
Application to the Graduate School Programs and Interview with the Dean and Graduate Program Chairs.
- Please fill-out the application form completely and submit the Application for Admission to the Graduate School form in this link https://forms.gle/xRdXb3HRNjgnv11L6
- Attach the other requirements for admission to the link above:
● Latest Transcript of Records (certified true copy, scanned)
● Diploma or Certificate of Graduation
● Birth Certificate or Family Registration, scanned
● Government ID
● Security clearance
● Certificate of English proficiency, or equivalent
● Essay: Statement of Purpose, 600-800 words
1. What degree are you planning to pursue in Xavier Ateneo?
2. Why pursue this graduate degree in Xavier Ateneo?
3. Why do you need this degree at this juncture of your life?
4. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
5. What research topic do you plan to pursue for your thesis or dissertation?
6. What significance does your research have to your workplace, or organization, and community at large?
3. Two reference letters from your immediate supervisor and former Instructor. The reference forms are in this link https://tinyurl.com/referencesletter,accomplish the forms & submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Step 4:
Interview with Dean, Department Chair and Graduate Program Coordinator
- Wait for email notice of schedule for your online interview via Google Meet. When you receive notice of schedule for online interview, please confirm your attendance.
- This Interview is with the Graduate Program Coordinator and/or Chair and OIC-Dean of the Graduate School.
Step 5:
Notice of Admission to the Graduate School
- The result of the admissions interview will be sent to your email.
- Criteria for admission includes: TOR, Certificate of Graduation, Research interests, responses to Interview
Step 6:
Payment Procedure
- By now, you have received a letter of admission from email.
- Pay the enrollment down payment of P4,000.00: Use the reference number provided in the Letter of Admission.
- To see the procedures for online banking transactions and other payment options, please visit this link https://bit.ly/3eGPR6N. Payment concerns/queries can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Send a screenshot/scanned copy of payment receipt with the full name and reference number https://forms.gle/SniXWep4GW3ueJKb6
Step 7:
- Graduate School will share with you a google sheet so you can view your enrollment status. In this google sheet you will see the following: approved study load/subjects to be enrolled and term activation
- User Name and Password to be used to sign in at XU’s Student Lifecycle Management and Information System (SLMIS) for self-service enrolment.
- If you cannot access your account, contact the Computing and Information Service Office (CISO) at 853-9800 local 0 or email SLMIS Helpdesk This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- To enroll online, go to https://slmis.xu.edu.ph
- To further guide you with a step-by-step procedure in the enrollment using the system, refer link https://tinyurl.com/SLMis123.
- Enroll only the subjects from the SLMIS Course Offerings of your program as advised by your graduate program coordinator.
- Graduate School will notify successfully processed enrollment thru the shared google sheet.
- Regularly check the shared google sheet to verify the completion of your enrollment.
Step 8:
Post Enrollment (instructions for post enrollment process to follow and emailed to you)
- Processing of ID
- Welcome to Xavier Ateneo
- Graduate School Orientation: Information Session in ELearn professionals
- Graduate Program Orientation