The Services offered by the University Chaplaincy Office include:
1. Community Masses and Mass Sponsorships
a. Regular Masses
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:12:00 NN and 5:30 PM Masses
Wednesday, Friday: 6:30 AM; 12:00 NN and 5:30 PM Masses
Saturday: 6:30 AM; and 5:30 PM Masses
Sunday – 7:00 AM; 9:00 AM; 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM Masses
b. Sponsors: XU Communities, Colleges, University Units and Offices
c. Outside Communities
d. Special Masses/Services (Feast of St. Ignatius, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, XU Festival Days, Holy Week Triduum, Misa de Gallo)
2. Other Sacraments
a. Confession by appointment
b. Confession before Mass
c. Anointing of the Sick
d. Kumpisalan ng Bayan
3. Sacramentals
a. Benediction with Confession (7:00 pm Thursday before 1st Friday)
b. Distribution of Holy Communion at COMC
c. Stations of the Cross on all Fridays of Lent
d. Rosary in October
4. Formation Sessions
a. First Friday Lecture Series (6:16 pm)
b. Lenten Recollection (evening before Ash Wednesday)
c. Advent Recollection
d. Holy Week Triduum Retreat (mornings of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, & Black Saturday)
5. Novenas
a. Wednesdays – Our Lady of Perpetual Help (all Masses)
b. Fridays – Sacred Heart of Jesus (all Masses)
6. Other Services
a. Mass Intentions (Pamisa)
b. Outreach like Medical Missions