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Student organizations at Xavier University are classified according to 1.) scope and 2.) nature.

Under scope, student organizations are classified according to student government, college council, co-curricular organization, extra-curricular organization, religious organization, program-based, and professional organization. 

  • The Central Student Government (CSG) – is the highest governing body of all students in the tertiary level. It addresses, promotes, protects, and preserves the needs, dignity, ideals, and aspirations of the students pursuant to the mission of the University in forming men and women for others. In fulfilling this function, CSG works with the Assembly of Extra-Curricular Organizations (AECO) and the seven undergraduate college councils which serve as the governing body of the students enrolled in a particular school/ college.

CSG provides students a first-hand experience on governance. The Directorate, which is the legislative branch of CSG and composed of the elected presidents of the college councils and the convener of the assembly of extra-curricular organizations, formulates student related policies and implements programs and projects that address campus issues, facilitate faculty-student interaction and promote student awareness.

  • The College Councils – Composed of students who are enrolled in a particular school college, the college councils promote the rights, welfare, and responsibilities of their members and implement programs and projects that primarily benefit their members and the community. These include collaborative projects with other organizations, college month or week-long celebrations, intramurals, and outreach projects.

College councils are affiliated with their respective college dean’s office where they also serve as arm and coordinating body for the implementation of programs and policies promulgated by the college. More so, they are complemented with a number of co-curricular organizations harmonizing the student’ academic formation.

The Assembly of Extra Curricular Organizations (AECO) is a council which governs a wide variety of extra-curricular organizations for students to choose from, may it be it for the arts such as theater, music, or visual arts; environment; socio-cultural, service-learning; or something more physical such as athletics clubs and teams, physical contact sports, or mountaineering. A convener of AECO is chosen by the presidents of the different extra-curricular organizations and sits in CSG’s Directorate.

  • Co-Curricular Organizations (Co-Currs) – These organizations are composed of students who are enrolled in a specific program or course. They focus on a particular academic area and initiate programs and projects that are designed for (but may not be limited to) the academic enhancement of their members (e.g. special lectures, seminars, or fora). In addition, the co-currs liaise between students and academic departments in matters concerning their studies (e.g. curriculum, policies specific to their course, etc).
  • Extra-Curricular Organizations (Extra-Currs) – These organizations are primarily designed to cater to students’ special interests. They are open to all students regardless of what college or academic program they belong to. They specialize in a specific field of interest such as leadership, social awareness, fellowship, community service, sports, arts and culture, and many others. Majority of these organizations are under OSA-SACDEV. The religious organizations are under the supervision of Campus Ministries Office. The performing arts companies are housed under the Xavier Center for Culture and the Arts (XCCA).
  • Media – These organizations whose projects are realized through audio, video, print, or on-line publication primarily advance student needs and express student views. They accept students enrolled in any course.
  • Religious Organizations – Religious organizations organize programs and projects which serve as support for students in a particular religious denomination. They implement programs and projects that are in accord with the promotion of faith and justice. They accept members regardless of course. Religious organizations are directly under the Campus Ministries Office. 
  • Program-Based – Program-based groups are directly affiliated with a particular unit in the university. These are specialized groups mandated to promote a special advocacy. The membership requirements include a commitment to work for and an interest in a particular cause. Such cause may be social in nature. 
  • Professional Organizations – These organizations are composed of students enrolled in the graduate courses. They seek to further a particular profession or field of expertise and interest. They offer activities such as lectures, fora, academic tours, and outreach projects among others.

Students are given the understanding that recognition given to organizations entails support, endorsement, supervision, and assumption of the responsibility for their actions and activities. Thus, recognition is only extended to organizations whose goals are in-line with the mission of the university. 

Every recognized student organization enjoys the following benefits and privileges from the university: 

  1. Use of the name of the university 
  2. Use of university facilities
  3. Raising funds
  4. Sponsoring speakers and public performances
  5. Promotion of activities inside the university
  6. Support from the Student Organization Fund (SOF) or Parents-Teachers’ Association (PTA) Fund
  7. Assistance in terms of planning and implementing projects/activities
  8. Interventions on conflict management and other organizational concerns 
  9. Support from the university in regional and national assemblies and conferences
  10. Participation in leadership and formation programs of the university

List of Student Organizations

In order to better guide the students in choosing what organization to participate in, a clustering was introduced in 2010. This clustering of organizations is based on their nature and purpose. Under this system are 12 clusters namely:

Governance and Policy-Making 

  • CSG Central Student Government
  • ACES Association of the College of Engineering Students 
  • ASC Agriculture Student Council
  • CONUS Council of Nursing Students  
  • CSSC College of Computer Studies Student Council 
  • SBMSC School of Business and Management Student Council 
  • TG Teachers’ Guild 
  • UNITASS United Arts and Sciences Student Council 
  • AECO Assembly of Extra-Curricular Organizations 

Media and Arts 

  • ACC Ateneo Camera Club 
  • DEVCOMSOC Development Communication Society 
  • XELLO Xavier English Language and Literature Organization 
  • XUSELICS XU School of Education Literary and Communications Society 
  • KAFIL Kabalikat na Atenista sa Filipino 
  • XUAdCPDC XU Ateneo de Cagayan Parliamentary Debating Circle 
  • CDA Circulo de Arte 
  • ST Soundtable 
  • XU Band Xavier University Band 
  • XUGC Xavier University Glee Club
  • XUCDT Xavier University Cultural Dance Troupe 
  • XP Xavier Philharmonia 
  • TXS The Xavier Stage 
  • DA Dulaang Atenista 
  • CruPub The Crusader Publication 
  • CYB Crusader Yearbook 

Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology 

  • MATHSOC Mathematics Society 
  • CHEMSOC Chemistry Society 
  • XCEL Xavier Computer Enthusiasts’ League 
  • JPSME Junior Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers – XUC
  • JIECEP Junior Institute of Electronics Engineers 
  • IIEE Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers CSC-XU 
  • JPIChE Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers 
  • PICE Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – XUSC 
  • PIIE Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers – XUSC 
  • XASED Xavier University Association of Science Educators 
  • AISSA Ateneo Information Systems Student Association 


  • JPIA Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants 
  • JMA Junior Marketing Association 
  • XU ABECS Xavier University Alliance of Business Economics Students 
  • JFINEX Junior Financial Executives 
  • ARES Ateneo Real Estate Service 

Sports and Recreation 

  • Rodeo Xavier University Rodeo Enthusiasts 
  • Bullriders Xavier University Bullriders Association 
  • XU JKA Xavier University Japan Karate Association 


  • XUMSS Xavier University Marine Science Society 
  • NC Nature Crusaders 
  • XU AMS Xavier University Mountaineering Society 

Food and Agriculture 

  • AAC Ateneo Agri-Business Circle 
  • ACROSS Ateneo Crop Science Society 
  • ASAGE Ateneo Society of Agricultural Economists 
  • JPSAS Junior Philippine Society of Animal Science 
  • PAFT Philippine Association of Food Technologists 
  • PSAE Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers – PPG XU 
  • PAA Jrs Philippine Association of Agriculturists 


  • ECOSOC Economics Society 
  • AHS Ateneo Historical Society 
  • APC Ateneo Philosophy Club 
  • ADC Ateneo Diplomatic Corps 
  • XUPS Xavier University Psychology Society 
  • AFS American Field Service – Xavier 
  • KALIWAT Kaliwat Ki Apu Agyu 
  • OSAS Organization of Sociology-Anthropology Students
  • XISA Xavier International Students Association 


  • XU RCY Xavier University Red Cross Youth 
  • SPEDSOC Special Educators’ Society 
  • XU SECT Xavier University Society of Early Childhood Educators 
  • XU HUGE Xavier University Holistic Union of General Educators 
  • XADSO Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan DOST Scholars’ Organization 
  • ARC Ateneo Rover Circle 
  • XU-PAF ROTC XU-Philippine Air Force Reserved Officers Training Corps 


  • STREAMS STREAMS-Pathways to Higher Education 
  • ASUL Ateneo School for Upcoming Leaders 
  • AAM Atenista Ako Movement 
  • XUPF Xavier University Peer Facilitators