The University Church of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplaincy Office provides a venue for students, employees and other church goers for the animation of the Catholic Christian Faith expressed through the celebration of Sacraments, Sacramentals and Devotions. Those who are interested are welcome to serve as choir, lectors, commentators, servers, ushers, decorators, lay ministers and ad hoc committee members.
The University Chaplaincy supports in the liturgical and spiritual formation of most of the members of Xavier University-United Religious Organization (XU-URO) who in turn serve the University Church in various functions. The Chaplaincy also takes care of the spiritual formation of the Ministers of Holy Communion in coordination with the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro.
The University Church also serves as venue for shared reflections on faith and reason especially when there are pressing issues relevant in the spiritual and conscience formation of the members of the community.
The University Chaplaincy provides pastoral care to both members of the University Community and those from outside who regularly come to the church for spiritual nourishment.