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The Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan School of Education, in partnership with Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High School, Northern Bukidnon State College, and Fr Hofileña Student Council (SOE Graduate Studies), hosted the 5th Teacher Education Research Conference (TERC 5) last April 28-29, 2023. The virtual conference gathered researchers, education professionals, and teacher education institutions from local, national, and international industries to share research findings on sustainable and equitable innovations in education during the new normal and post-pandemic times.


The conference's theme, "R.I.S.E. - Revitalize, Innovate, Strategize, Equip: Viewing the Rising Tide Through Post Pandemic Narratives, New Paradigms, and Sustainable & Equitable Innovations in Education," aimed to shed light on the vital roles and emerging trends in the field of education.

The event featured plenary sessions with expert speakers and reactors who shared their insights, research findings, and experiences on various aspects in education. Fr Joaquin Jose Mari C Sumpaico III, SJ, EDD, Vice President for Basic Education at Ateneo de Manila, provided an overview of the roles and evolution of Philippine education, post-pandemic education trends, and the importance of teachers as researchers. Dr Edralin Manla, Dean of Xavier University School of Education, served as the Plenary Reactor, emphasizing the heroic attitude teachers bring to the teaching-learning process.

Dr Mary Ferguson, an expert in organizational leadership and education, discussed the benefits of Dr Mary Ferguson, an expert in organizational leadership and education, discussed the benefits ofintegrating ICT as an innovation to enrich the teaching-learning process. Dr Ray Butch Mahinay, Education Program Supervisor of Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Department of Education Region X- Northern Mindanao, served as the Plenary Reactor.

Dr Richard Jugar, Dean of the School of Education at the University of San Carlos, shared his thoughts on strategizing research direction and empowering school personnel. Dr Mary Koren Witting-Acuesa, Director of Internationalization and Income Generating Programs at Northern Bukidnon State College, served as the Plenary Reactor, highlighting five key points for teacher-researchers to remember.


Dr Jayson Parba, Instructor/Researcher at the University of Hawaii, offered insights into the joys, challenges, and remedies of publishing research work. Ms Marie Antonette Emata, Deputy Director of XU Kinaadman University Research Office (KURO) at Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, served as the Plenary Reactor, emphasizing the importance of empirical research and the researcher's responsibility in verifying the reputability of a journal.


Through the TERC 5 virtual conference, participants had the opportunity to engage with educational experts and discuss the future of education in the post-pandemic era. As we move forward, the call to RISE reminds teacher-researchers of their crucial role in ensuring a sustainable and equitable educational landscape for future generations.