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XU Press’s latest title Islamic Law Dictionary was successfully launched at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City on 19 August 2023.  A posthumous publication of Prof Haron Pangcoga, a Shari’ah lawyer and professor from Lanao del Sur, this dictionary compiles Arabic and English legal terms that are mostly encountered in the study of Islamic Law and Local Adat in the Philippines.

In his Facebook page, Ustad Nor Jamal Batugan, who is the book’s consultant and editor, expounded on the challenges of putting together such a groundbreaking publication, stressing the fact that his participation is mainly on Arabic entries.  He further explained that materials in English where all Islamic legal terms are present are scant, hence Pangcoga’s book plays a crucial role in filling in gaps in “Islamic scholarship and making Shari’ah closer to students and readers of Islamic Law.”


This new book signifies yet again XU Press’s role in knowledge production that is egalitarian, sensitive  to the cultural diversity of the Mindanao region; and its participation in the University’s mission in the “renewal, discovery.. of knowledge” and nourishing “dialogue with culture and religions.”

The launching which concurred with the Philippine Book Festival in Davao was a collaboration of XU Press, NBDB, and the author’s family.  XU Press was represented by Dawny Balangiao and April Honielhit Bandiala.  Dr Elio Garcia, under whose directorship the book was awarded a publication grant, kindly obliged XU Press and graced the event with his attendance.  

Among the notable participants who took note of the book’s value in promoting Islamic Law scholarship and cultural representation were: Atty Maisara Dandamun-Latiph, Chairperson of the Marawi Compensation Board (MCB); Charisse Aquino-Tugade, Executive Director of NBDB, Samira Gutoc, journalist and environmentalist; Sir Prince Soudery M Galo, representing LDS Governor Mamintal “Bombit” Adiong; Mohammad Fauzie T Bangcola, MAIS, Sh L, a Sharia-ah Councilor; and the family of the late professor represented by his children, Walid Pangcoga and Rohaida Pangcoga. 

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA)--In pursuit of strengthening the study of religious Islamic laws, the kin of Pangcoga from Tugaya town in Lanao del Sur province has built sturdy ties with the National Book Development Board-Philippines (NBDBP) and some publishers such as the Xavier University (XU) Press to lead.


the launch of the first-ever Islamic Law Dictionary in the country during the Philippine Book Festival kickoff in Davao City. Read full article here

Davao City, 19 August 2023 – A highly anticipated event took center stage today as the “Islamic Law Dictionary” authored by Prof Haroun A Pangcoga, a distinguished Shari’ah Lawyer, professor, and writer from Tugaya, Lanao del Sur, was launched. The launch was a part of the Philippine Book Festival, organized by the National Book Development Board (NBDP), which is currently ongoing from 19 to 20 August at the SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City. Read full article here

