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By Ismael Salarda, Director of SOE-AEC

Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, in partnership with the Northern Bukidnon State College (NBSC), recently concluded the 6th International Teacher Education Research Conference (TERC) from 16-18 May 2024. Held at Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, the conference aimed to explore the transformative potential of technology in education, addressing the evolving challenges in the field.

Organized by the Xavier University School of Education (XU-SOE), the conference was a significant milestone for education. It emphasized the ever-evolving nature of education and the need for continuous innovation, particularly through the integration of technology. Researchers, education professionals, and experts from various fields converged to discuss and collaborate on enhancing educational practices through technological integration and innovative methodologies.

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In light of the changing educational landscape influenced by global challenges, it has become crucial to reassess conventional education methods and utilize technology to foster innovation. TERC 6 aimed to help participants stay current with the latest educational trends and approaches while addressing fundamental issues in a scientific manner. The conference emphasized the importance of empirical research and the active involvement of research students and professionals in enhancing teacher education practices. Its themes underscored in contemporary education including integrating technology, emphasizing AI, ICT, and innovative technologies. Discussions included creating conducive learning environments, effective teaching methods, and inclusive education. The conference also covered education policy, research, professional development, and assessment. These themes provided a framework for addressing challenges and improving teaching and learning outcomes.

The conference began with lectures and paper presentations, allowing educators to present innovative practices and research. Engaging discussions covered various topics relevant to modern teaching methods. On the second day, discussions focused on the ethical use of AI in research and strategies for creating a conducive digital classroom. Both onsite and online sessions encouraged a rich exchange of ideas among participants.

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Esteemed speakers like Dr Mageswaran Sanmugam and Dr Amparo V Dinagsao shared valuable insights on research collaboration, data-driven instructional design, and the ethical use of generative AI in education during the conference. Their presentations, along with engaging lectures and concurrent sessions, provided educators with a platform to showcase innovative practices and research findings. Dr Sanmugam highlighted the importance of collaboration in research in the digital age, emphasizing the significance of creating communities of learning. Meanwhile, Dr Dinagsao's discussion on data-driven instructional design underscored the crucial role of research analytics in improving teaching and learning outcomes. Additionally, discussions on the ethical use of generative AI in research, as well as the broader implications of AI in education, added depth to the conference's discourse.

The 3-Minute Thesis Competition at TERC 6 emerged as a focal point, drawing attention to the cutting-edge research by current PhD students from various universities in the Philippines. This segment not only provided a platform for showcasing their dissertation studies but also served as a testament to the rigorous academic pursuit within the education sector. The topics covered during the competition, ranging from digital literacy competence to the dynamics of leader-member exchange relationships, and the innovative use of experiential and supplemental games in chemistry, underscored the diverse and impactful nature of research being conducted in the field. Furthermore, by delving into the intricacies of teacher performance and career progression, the competition illuminated critical areas for improvement and development within the education sector. Overall, the 3-Minute Thesis Competition added depth and substance to TERC 6, enriching the discourse and highlighting the importance of ongoing research in shaping the future of education.

TERC 6 served as a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and gaining diverse viewpoints on key topics in teacher education. It underscored Xavier University's commitment to promoting evidence-based research and scholarly writing among graduate and undergraduate students, empowering educators to enhance teaching and learning outcomes globally.

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Throughout the conference, concurrent lectures and paper presentations provided valuable insights into cutting-edge research and innovations in education. Renowned researchers and educators from various institutions presented their research findings in parallel sessions held at different venues. The topics covered a broad spectrum of instruction and pedagogy, encompassed by the diverse themes of TERC 6. The exchange of knowledge and ideas fostered during these sessions contributed to the advancement of teacher education research.

The conference's hybrid approach, allowing both onsite and online participation, facilitated a global exchange of ideas and experiences. Interactive workshops and hands-on sessions provided practical insights into the latest trends and technologies in education, enriching the learning experience for all attendees. Additionally, a virtual exhibition showcased innovative educational products and services, offering access to cutting-edge resources and tools for educators worldwide.

By bringing together researchers, educators, and professionals from around the world, the 6th International Teacher Education Research Conference successfully highlighted the transformative synergy of technology in education. TERC 6 served as a valuable platform for networking and knowledge exchange, empowering participants to enhance education through innovative practices. The conference was a testament to the commitment of Xavier University - School of Education in promoting evidence-based research and scholarly writing among graduate and undergraduate students. As the field of teacher education continues to evolve, conferences like TERC 6 play a crucial role in shaping the future of education and empowering educators worldwide.

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In sum, the success of TERC 6 reaffirmed Xavier University's position as a leader in teacher education research and innovation. By embracing technology and fostering collaboration, the conference demonstrated the power of collective action in driving positive change in education. As the field of teacher education continues to evolve, conferences like TERC 6 play a vital role in shaping the future of education and empowering educators to meet the challenges of tomorrow.