schoolscolleges2020 hed news

1 August 2011

Dear CEAP Member Schools,

Greetings of peace!

As our Muslim brothers and sisters begin the observance of the Ramadan, their annual month-long fasting and purification, let us offer our spiritual solidarity with them through our prayers.

For schools that have Muslim students and staff, we may also show our solidarity with them through our good actions, including understanding and supporting them in their Ramadan practices as well as respecting their other beliefs and ways of life, thereby, allowing them freedom to practise their religion.

The Ramadan is an occasion to remind ourselves that Muslims and Christians both share the same faith in the God of Abraham and the same fundamental values of love and compassion, nonviolence and fairness. It is important that we think of these commonalities even as we recognize our religious differences because it will affirm that we actually share the common ground of seeking and pursuing peace.

Such is why this year, during our National Convention, we have selected the theme, “Building a Culture of Peace: Shaping the Vision, Living the Dream.” We are cognizant of the need to remember that the historical and current transgressions coming from the believers of both our Faiths spring not from the nature of our religions but from other goals.

As Catholic schools, let us continue to offer our friendship and respect for them and do what we can to correct whatever prejudices there are within our school communities, mainly through what and how we teach as well as through our school policies and practices.

As CEAP schools, may God continue to guide all of us as we seek to build a culture of peace in our country and beyond so that Pope Benedict XVI’s closing statement in his message during this year’s World Day of Peace that “all men and women, and societies at every level and in every part of the earth, soon be able to experience religious freedom, the path to peace…” may find fulfillment through our work.


Fr Gregorio L Bañaga Jr CM (sgd)