schoolscolleges2020 hed news

The Central Student Government (CSG) will be holding its 27th University-wide General Assembly on July 20, 2011 with the theme “Take Off: Flying to Greater Heights.” As a student government that envisions itself “to respond to the general interest of its constituents in a dynamic, effective and united effort”, the CSG will present to the University community its programs, advocacies, and engagements for the academic year 2011-2012. This assembly blends elements of artistic and cultural expression as a way to promote the mission and vision of the CSG which is in line with that of the University. Although Crusaders may have different destinations in life, the CSG in its 27th year reaffirms in this event its commitment to the ideal that the common interest and aspirations of each of its members are best embodied and preserved in one flight towards excellence.