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Xavier Ecoville, a resettlement community for Sendong survivors in Brgy Lumbia initiated “Usa sa Pagdamgo, Lihok sa Pagbag-o” on Dec 17, a commemorative event of the second year since Tropical Storm Sendong affected Cagayan de Oro City.

The event opened with a mass at the Xavier Ecoville St Francis Xavier Chapel. This was followed by the blessing and ribbon-cutting ceremony of the community’s sewing and food processing production areas. Livelihood is one of the main components being strengthened by the project. Xavier Ecoville’s Multipurpose Cooperative manager Ms Marilou Alfabeto presented the coop’s existing enterprises to the guests and partners present at the event.

Among them were the Xavier University administrators and vice presidents including Bro Noel Cantago, VP for Administration; Ms. Irene Guitarte, VP for the Office of Mission and Ministries and Dr. Hilly Ann Quiaoit, VP for Research and Social Outreach. Dr Quiaoit welcomed everyone to the event while university president Fr Roberto Yap SJ gave an inspiring commemorative video message.

City Mayor Hon Oscar Moreno led the oath taking ceremony of the newly-elected Xavier Ecoville Homeowners Association officers. He also delivered an inspirational message, saying that “Xavier University has redefined resettlement” with its efforts in building a model community in Xavier Ecoville. President-elect Alexie Colipano and Brgy Lumbia Kagawad Rodger Edgardo Butlig gave their messages before the event concluded with a meeting together of the guests and the community members.

The officers organized a talent showcase in the evening, featuring ten groups composed of children, women, youth and mothers.    


Xavier Ecoville is facilitated by Xavier University, the community members, the local government, donors and other partners for a self-sufficient and value-laden community.